From 26/11/2022 to 25/12/2022
- 23:44 Task #16951 (Closed): Report Structure
- 19:14 Revision 36 (git_repos): without background + db
- 19:13 Revision 35 (git_repos): Merge branch 'main' of
- 19:10 Revision 33 (git_repos): [app without backgrounda com db]
- 14:02 Task #16954 (Closed): Lab Session #10 - Data acquisition as background service implementation
- Consigo abrir 21DEZ, 14h15. Até amanhã.
- 15:10 Task #16954 (Closed): Lab Session #10 - Data acquisition as background service implementation
- *Proposed day*
21/12/2022 from 14h to 16h
Vital Jacket kit
Debugging the data acquisition... - 10:36 Task #16953 (Closed): Lab session #10 - Background test (continuation)
- Caros, estive no Lab I305 às 10h25 às 10h30 e não apareceu ninguém... :(
- 13:06 Task #16953 (Feedback): Lab session #10 - Background test (continuation)
- I can open 10h25 (I have a meeting 10h30). ok ? See you tomorrow.
- 17:42 Revision 34 (git_repos): added ppt in readme
- 17:34 Task #16953 (Closed): Lab session #10 - Background test (continuation)
- Proposed day
- 19/12/2022 (Monday) from 10h to 13h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Background test(cont... - 16:45 Product Backlog #16952 (New): Feedback Improvments (professors)
- See product backlog.
- 16:26 Feature #16756 (Closed): Android activity implementation - Results
- 16:22 Revision 2 (db_exemple): zip folder
- 16:20 Revision 1 (db_exemple): Initial commit
- 16:18 Task #16886 (Closed): Presentation
- 16:14 Feature #16885: Database Test in mobile phone
- A small app to test database with acc data acquired by the mobile phone.
To see the app, clone this repos:
https... - 16:05 Feature #16885 (Closed): Database Test in mobile phone
- 16:09 Document: StepNCount Presentation (PDF)
- Presentation of our project.
- 16:00 Task #16951 (Closed): Report Structure
- +Organize the content of the report.+
- review device used and available apps;
- review of algorithm... - 15:52 Task #16950 (Closed): Database integration
- Integration of the database already implemented in another small app that we did use the phone ACC in the StepNCount ...
- 20:21 Revision 32 (git_repos): [icon for the app added]
- 12:02 Bug #16944 (Closed): Background Implementation of steps, EE and status detection
- 00:09 Bug #16943 (Closed): Lab session #9 - Final tweaks and debugging
- Posso abrir às 13h55. Terei uma reunião às 14h.
- 23:35 Bug #16943 (Closed): Lab session #9 - Final tweaks and debugging
- *Proposed day*
- 15/12/2022 (Thursday) from 14h to 16h.
- Vital Jacket kit
- Debugging ... - 21:12 Revision 31 (git_repos): merge conflits
- 21:07 Revision 26 (git_repos): try to pull
- 19:52 Revision 30 (git_repos): Tentativa de status
- 19:12 Revision 29 (git_repos): Step Counter and calories algorithms somewhat working
- 14:10 Revision 28 (git_repos): conflicts resolvidos??????
- 14:03 Revision 27 (git_repos): boas ta fdd este merge
- 22:56 Bug #16935: Lab session #8 - Debugging the integrated system (Continuation)
- Joao Paulo S. Cunha wrote:
> Posso abrir um pouco antes das 14h00 - terei uma reunião Zoom no gabinete a iniciar às ... - 19:05 Revision 25 (git_repos): cont
- 18:45 Revision 24 (git_repos): Merge branch 'main' of
- 18:44 Revision 23 (git_repos): [connect updated]
- 19:31 Bug #16935 (Feedback): Lab session #8 - Debugging the integrated system (Continuation)
- Posso abrir um pouco antes das 14h00 - terei uma reunião Zoom no gabinete a iniciar às 14h00. Pode ser ?
- 09:49 Bug #16935 (Feedback): Lab session #8 - Debugging the integrated system (Continuation)
- *Proposed day*
- 14/12/2022 (Wednesday) from 11h to 13h.
*Alternative schedule*
- - 14/12/2022 (Wednesday) from... - 19:29 Bug #16934 (Closed): Lab session #7 - Debugging the system integration
- Abriremos o Lab 13DEZ, 15h00 até às 17h00.
- 09:47 Bug #16934 (Closed): Lab session #7 - Debugging the system integration
- *Proposed day*
- 13/12/2022 (Tuesday) from 10h to 12h.
*Alternative schedule*
- - 13/12/2022 (Tuesday) from 14h... - 13:34 Bug #16933 (Closed): Lab session #6 - Continuation of implementation of step counter, energy expe...
- ok. Thanks.
- 09:35 Bug #16933: Lab session #6 - Continuation of implementation of step counter, energy expenditure a...
- Joao Paulo S. Cunha wrote:
> Para a manhã de amanhã não será já possível abrir o lab. Vamos abrir às 14h00. Querem p...
- 22:58 Bug #16933 (Feedback): Lab session #6 - Continuation of implementation of step counter, energy ex...
- Para a manhã de amanhã não será já possível abrir o lab. Vamos abrir às 14h00. Querem passar para as 14h ?
- 16:28 Bug #16933: Lab session #6 - Continuation of implementation of step counter, energy expenditure a...
- 10h00-12h00
- 16:22 Bug #16933 (Closed): Lab session #6 - Continuation of implementation of step counter, energy expe...
- Proposed day
- 12/12/2022 (Monday) from 9h to 11h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Implementation of ste... - 16:52 Revision 20 (git_repos): Front end: 99% done
- 12:04 Bug #16884 (Closed): Lab session #5 - Implementation of step counter, energy expenditure and stat...
- Lets schedule 14h-16h. Then we see if you need more. Vitor will be on the lab.
- 11:50 Revision 18 (git_repos): project added
- 11:47 Revision 17 (git_repos): change of project again
- 19:25 Task #16886 (Closed): Presentation
- 19:23 Feature #16885 (Closed): Database Test in mobile phone
- Database Implementation and test.
- 19:20 Revision 16 (git_repos): new project
- 19:12 Bug #16884 (Closed): Lab session #5 - Implementation of step counter, energy expenditure and stat...
- Proposed day
- 09/12/2022 (Friday) from 14h to 17h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Implementation of st... - 19:06 Feature #16756 (In Progress): Android activity implementation - Results
- 19:06 Bug #16833 (In Progress): Complete Use Cases and Activitity Diagram
- 19:05 Feature #16757 (Closed): Android activity implementation - Main screen and BG page
- 19:04 Feature #16817 (Closed): Bluetooth connection
- 19:02 Task #16755 (Closed): Activity Diagram and Activity implementation - Configuration and Goals
- 14:02 Bug #16881 (Closed): Lab session #4 - Debug external communication
- Scheduled Wed 14h.
- 22:48 Bug #16880 (Closed): Lab session #3 - External communication test
- Fica então 5 DEZ, 14h. Bom trabalho.
- 13:16 Task #16875 (Closed): Faltaram TODOS à SPRINT meeting de hoje - 2DEZ...
- 19:31 Bug #16833 (Closed): Complete Use Cases and Activitity Diagram
- 19:28 Bug #16881 (Closed): Lab session #4 - Debug external communication
- *Proposed day*
- 07/12/2022 (Wednesday) from 14h to 16h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Debugging t... - 19:26 Bug #16880 (Closed): Lab session #3 - External communication test
- *Proposed day*
- 05/12/2022 (Monday) from 14h to 16h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Finalize the t...
- 23:00 Task #16875: Faltaram TODOS à SPRINT meeting de hoje - 2DEZ...
- Joao Paulo S. Cunha wrote:
> PF façam um report neste issue da vossa SPRINT da semana e qual o plano da próxima sema... - 12:47 Task #16875 (Closed): Faltaram TODOS à SPRINT meeting de hoje - 2DEZ...
- PF façam um report neste issue da vossa SPRINT da semana e qual o plano da próxima semana.
Faltarem TODOS os membr...
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