Bug #16935
Lab session #8 - Debugging the integrated system (Continuation)
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
2.00 h
Proposed day
- 14/12/2022 (Wednesday) from 11h to 13h.
Alternative schedule
- - 14/12/2022 (Wednesday) from 14h to 16h.
- Vital Jacket kit
- Debugging the sharing of information between the phone and the online dataset in real time 120 min
#1 Updated by Miguel Rocha over 2 years ago
- Sprint changed from Project Presentation to Database for display of the history
#2 Updated by Joao Paulo S. Cunha over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Posso abrir um pouco antes das 14h00 - terei uma reunião Zoom no gabinete a iniciar às 14h00. Pode ser ?
#3 Updated by Miguel Rocha over 2 years ago
Joao Paulo S. Cunha wrote:
Posso abrir um pouco antes das 14h00 - terei uma reunião Zoom no gabinete a iniciar às 14h00. Pode ser ?
Boa noite Professor,
Pode ser. Obrigado.
#4 Updated by Mariana Calado over 2 years ago
- Sprint changed from Database for display of the history to Background implementation
#5 Updated by Miguel Rocha about 2 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 100