


| Revision:

root / proj @ 171

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bmp 161 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues removed unintended files
  xpm 171 about 5 years Telmo Baptista crosshair and mouse (not working yet) 264 Bytes 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
Makefile 255 Bytes 169 about 5 years Telmo Baptista fix makefile 265 Bytes 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
errors.h 945 Bytes 145 about 5 years Telmo Baptista transfering files
fast_math.c 819 Bytes 170 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues changed order of operations in cycle
fast_math.h 140 Bytes 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
graph.c 8.85 KB 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
graph.h 2.56 KB 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
graph_macros.h 1.34 KB 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
i8254.h 2.89 KB 144 about 5 years Telmo Baptista import proj
interrupts_func.c 5.51 KB 154 about 5 years Telmo Baptista added files
interrupts_func.h 832 Bytes 154 about 5 years Telmo Baptista added files
kbc.c 2.01 KB 145 about 5 years Telmo Baptista transfering files
kbc.h 1.77 KB 145 about 5 years Telmo Baptista transfering files
kbc_macros.h 2.49 KB 144 about 5 years Telmo Baptista import proj
keyboard.c 1.5 KB 171 about 5 years Telmo Baptista crosshair and mouse (not working yet)
keyboard.h 782 Bytes 153 about 5 years Telmo Baptista change on ihs
mouse.c 4.14 KB 150 about 5 years Telmo Baptista mouse files
mouse.h 3.51 KB 150 about 5 years Telmo Baptista mouse files
mouse_macros.h 1.91 KB 150 about 5 years Telmo Baptista mouse files
proj.c 4.55 KB 171 about 5 years Telmo Baptista crosshair and mouse (not working yet)
proj_func.c 1.81 KB 171 about 5 years Telmo Baptista crosshair and mouse (not working yet)
proj_func.h 1.04 KB 171 about 5 years Telmo Baptista crosshair and mouse (not working yet)
proj_macros.h 1.27 KB 167 about 5 years Telmo Baptista some changes
sprite.c 2.25 KB 168 about 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues stuff changed
sprite.h 693 Bytes 167 about 5 years Telmo Baptista some changes
timer.c 368 Bytes 146 about 5 years Telmo Baptista add files
timer.h 262 Bytes 146 about 5 years Telmo Baptista add files
utils.c 866 Bytes 167 about 5 years Telmo Baptista some changes
utils.h 1.73 KB 167 about 5 years Telmo Baptista some changes

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
171 27/11/2019 20:24 Telmo Baptista

crosshair and mouse (not working yet)

170 27/11/2019 20:20 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed order of operations in cycle

169 27/11/2019 17:50 Telmo Baptista

fix makefile

168 27/11/2019 17:48 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

stuff changed

167 27/11/2019 17:42 Telmo Baptista

some changes

166 27/11/2019 15:07 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

encapsulated some functions

165 27/11/2019 14:44 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

renamed graph stuff

164 27/11/2019 14:17 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed stuff in sprite

163 27/11/2019 14:10 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed stuff in sprite

162 27/11/2019 10:14 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

each sprite should be loaded with the adequate function that sets its center correctly

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