


| Revision:

root / lab5 @ 136

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
Makefile 479 Bytes 127 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues 5th function doing what it is supposed to, exce...
errors.h 918 Bytes 110 over 5 years Telmo Baptista something
graphics.c 6.77 KB 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...
graphics.h 2.07 KB 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...
graphics_macros.h 943 Bytes 128 over 5 years Telmo Baptista controller implemented
i8254.h 2.43 KB 129 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues forgot files
kbc.c 2.19 KB 109 over 5 years Telmo Baptista rectangle implemented
kbc.h 2.06 KB 109 over 5 years Telmo Baptista rectangle implemented
kbc_macros.h 2.49 KB 109 over 5 years Telmo Baptista rectangle implemented
keyboard.c 1.43 KB 109 over 5 years Telmo Baptista rectangle implemented
keyboard.h 366 Bytes 109 over 5 years Telmo Baptista rectangle implemented
lab5.c 15.9 KB 136 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues more organized
sprite.c 1.09 KB 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...
sprite.h 449 Bytes 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...
timer.c 368 Bytes 129 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues forgot files
timer.h 262 Bytes 129 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues forgot files
utils.c 830 Bytes 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...
utils.h 1.09 KB 134 over 5 years Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues corrected dragging and flickering. now one or +...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
136 19/11/2019 17:49 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

more organized

135 19/11/2019 17:40 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

more organized

134 19/11/2019 17:20 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

corrected dragging and flickering. now one or + pixels do not match

133 19/11/2019 16:10 Telmo Baptista

changed free_memory name

132 19/11/2019 16:04 Telmo Baptista

changed function calls

131 18/11/2019 23:57 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

reversed small error

130 18/11/2019 23:23 Telmo Baptista

foxy not yet

129 18/11/2019 23:17 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

forgot files

128 18/11/2019 23:16 Telmo Baptista

controller implemented

127 18/11/2019 23:14 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

5th function doing what it is supposed to, except there is 'one or more missing/unexpected function calls'

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