


| Revision:

root / proj / src / libs / uart / include / uart.h @ 386

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  • svn:executable: *
# Date Author Comment
370 06/01/2020 13:20 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed dirs according to what teachers want

351 05/01/2020 21:01 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

created libs.h

335 05/01/2020 04:03 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

more docs

334 05/01/2020 03:47 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

added more docs

328 05/01/2020 00:35 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

increased bitrate to 115200

325 04/01/2020 21:16 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

some more changes to uart

323 04/01/2020 20:31 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

more stuff

321 04/01/2020 18:54 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

correcting some problems

298 02/01/2020 02:29 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implemented chat. changed place of some macros

297 01/01/2020 21:43 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

chat working

287 31/12/2019 01:27 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implemented final, working version of uart and protocol

284 30/12/2019 23:58 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed more stuff

282 30/12/2019 22:39 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

removing stuff

278 30/12/2019 22:27 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

organizing stuff

263 28/12/2019 23:46 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

starting uart tests

261 28/12/2019 22:54 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...


252 28/12/2019 17:41 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

made some more changes to uart

249 28/12/2019 00:46 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implementing uart. done with basic functions, still planning protocol

242 27/12/2019 00:19 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

working on uart. done with first and second test functions

241 26/12/2019 22:36 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implementing uart

235 26/12/2019 17:14 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

trying to implement uart. not working