


| Revision:

root / proj / src / Makefile @ 386

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  • svn:executable:
# Date Author Comment
381 06/01/2020 21:02 Telmo Baptista


376 06/01/2020 17:26 Telmo Baptista

scoreboards zombies done

375 06/01/2020 15:41 Telmo Baptista

scoreboard logic for zombies finalized

370 06/01/2020 13:20 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed dirs according to what teachers want

369 06/01/2020 05:03 Telmo Baptista

remote + bullets from remote

365 05/01/2020 23:19 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

corrected error on chat

362 05/01/2020 22:16 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

corrected minor error

359 05/01/2020 21:57 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

corrected strange error

355 05/01/2020 21:09 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed place of stuff

351 05/01/2020 21:01 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

created libs.h

348 05/01/2020 20:42 Telmo Baptista

scoreboard initials

346 05/01/2020 20:28 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

added more files

345 05/01/2020 20:14 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...


342 05/01/2020 16:52 Telmo Baptista

identified error

328 05/01/2020 00:35 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

increased bitrate to 115200

325 04/01/2020 21:16 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

some more changes to uart

324 04/01/2020 21:08 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

corrected some more things

323 04/01/2020 20:31 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

more stuff

321 04/01/2020 18:54 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

correcting some problems

305 03/01/2020 02:00 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

working on zombies

291 31/12/2019 22:21 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed menu to file

290 31/12/2019 17:20 Telmo Baptista

fixed menu lag

284 30/12/2019 23:58 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed more stuff

275 30/12/2019 21:12 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implementing transmission with queues

270 29/12/2019 04:28 Telmo Baptista

make code mapping

269 29/12/2019 03:12 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

small chat working with

235 26/12/2019 17:14 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

trying to implement uart. not working

234 24/12/2019 20:19 Telmo Baptista

RTC functional to retrieve date and time

226 13/12/2019 11:40 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implemented double-linked list. implemented bullet collision with walls from gunner collision. implemented bullet position updating with certain speed

221 12/12/2019 23:59 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed places

216 12/12/2019 15:59 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

many changes. implemented collision detection

212 12/12/2019 11:56 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

now working

197 01/12/2019 22:48 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

reverted changes in proj

195 01/12/2019 20:50 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...


192 01/12/2019 19:02 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

added zoom/scale

183 29/11/2019 12:23 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

can reduce letter size; working on increasing

182 28/11/2019 23:03 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

adding font

178 27/11/2019 23:36 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

minor fixes

177 27/11/2019 21:58 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

moved all sources to src/

175 27/11/2019 21:39 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

changed organization

169 27/11/2019 17:50 Telmo Baptista

fix makefile

166 27/11/2019 15:07 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

encapsulated some functions

160 27/11/2019 09:36 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

implemented sprite rotation

155 25/11/2019 19:29 Telmo Baptista

added cleanup

153 25/11/2019 19:19 Telmo Baptista

change on ihs

151 25/11/2019 18:19 Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodri...

added macro

150 25/11/2019 17:52 Telmo Baptista

mouse files

149 25/11/2019 17:43 Telmo Baptista

changed main loop

145 25/11/2019 17:17 Telmo Baptista

transfering files

144 25/11/2019 17:05 Telmo Baptista

import proj