Ana Sofia Santos Cardoso
- Registered on: 23/02/2019
- Last connection: 16/06/2019
- Assigned issues: 2
- Reported issues: 10
- MyoFetch2019 (Manager, 23/02/2019)
- Java Code v. 3
- Java Code v. 2
- 15:21 MyoFetch2019 Feature #14665 (Feedback): Chart Implementation
- 15:21 MyoFetch2019 2.00 hours (Feature #14665 (Feedback): Chart Implementation)
- 15:20 MyoFetch2019 Feature #14664 (Feedback): Serial Communication
- 19:56 MyoFetch2019 Feature #14665 (Feedback): Chart Implementation
- Implement a real time chart of the received EMG signal.
- 19:54 MyoFetch2019 1.00 hour (Feature #14664 (Feedback): Serial Communication)
- The serial communication code has been completed, although it might need some further testing and ironing out.
- 19:52 MyoFetch2019 2.00 hours (Feature #14664 (Feedback): Serial Communication)
- The newly implemented library is compatible with the HC-05. Information can be sent and received easily. The connecti...
- 19:50 MyoFetch2019 Feature #14664: Serial Communication
- The RxTx library we were attempting to use was deemed unsuitable. The jSerialComm library yielded satisfactory results.
- 19:47 MyoFetch2019 Feature #14664 (Feedback): Serial Communication
- Attempt to use the serial Communication libraries in order to send data from the microcontroller through the java sof...
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