


3 Methodology » History » Version 15

André Fernandes Gonçalves, 12/01/2024 17:28

1 2 Ana Sofia Sousa
h1. 3 Methodology
2 3 André Fernandes Gonçalves
3 6 Ana Sofia Sousa
h2. 3.1. App Structure
4 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
5 8 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. 3.1.1. Use Cases Diagram 
6 6 Ana Sofia Sousa
7 6 Ana Sofia Sousa
In the Figure bellow is the developed Use Cases Diagram that represents the possible interactions of different actors (User, Vital Jacket, Data System and Doctor) within the system. This diagram shows the requirements for the development of the app. 
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9 7 Ana Sofia Sousa
p=. !----!
10 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
Figure Use Cases Diagram.
11 6 Ana Sofia Sousa
12 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
13 14 André Fernandes Gonçalves
h3. 3.1.2. Activity Workflow Diagram
14 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
15 14 André Fernandes Gonçalves
h2. 3.2. Step Counting Algorithm
16 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
17 4 André Fernandes Gonçalves
Having the values from the accelerometer which has a FREQUENCY OF ____, the acceleration from the 3 axis in condensed in the acceleration magnitude:
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19 4 André Fernandes Gonçalves
mag = sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
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21 4 André Fernandes Gonçalves
Then, in order to remove the gravitational acceleration, the average acceleration is subtracted:
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23 4 André Fernandes Gonçalves
netmag = mag - avgmag
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so the netmag represents only the acceleration regarding movement. The algorithm works as follows:
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The time-netmag graph is divided in dynamic 3-sample windows. The values of these samples are tracked and if they are in crescent order, the system registers the first sample as the start of a step. When a value is detected above a pre-defined OR DYNAMIC threshold, all values above that threshold are saved in a vector, PeakVector. When the values of netmag drop below the threshold, the system uses a 2-samples window to track the slope of the magnitude. If the second value is greater than the first, it is considered the start of a new step, thus ending the previous one. Since the PeakVector contains all the values that fall above the step threshold, the maximum value should represent the real peak.
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29 15 André Fernandes Gonçalves
The steps are counted based on changes in the accelerometer data, specifically, the magnitude of acceleration. Here's how the step counting logic works:
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31 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
h2. 3.3. Design and Functionalities
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35 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
36 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
The color pallet used in the developed app consists of a dark theme with orange and red details to capture the user's attention.
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39 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
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43 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. LoginActivity
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45 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
When the user opens the app, he encounters the Login Page. In this activity, the user can fill in his username and password to enter the app, accessing the ACTIVITY or, if they don't have an account yet, click on the signup button to register. By clicking on this button, the user is sent to SignUpActivity. In this activity, if the user types in credentials that do not exist, the message "User not found!" is shown.
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h3. SignUpActivity
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51 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
In this activity, the user can create an account by choosing an username and a password. When the user clicks on the sign up button, he enters the app, and is sent to the Login Activity. There is also the possibility of clicking on the login button to go back to the LoginActivity if the user is already registerd. When a new user is added, an userId is created that is used in the following activities.
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53 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
54 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
55 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. BluetoothService?
56 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
57 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
After logging in or signing up, the user enters the app, where first ACTIVITY_INTERMIDIATE is shown. In this activity, there is an explanation of the app usage, where the main features are described. First, the bluetooth connection to the Vital Jacket can be performed, and then, once this connection is completed, the user is sent to the MainActivity by clicking the button.
58 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
59 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
60 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
Explicar cenas conexão bluetooth......BioLib aqui?
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h3. MainActivity
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This activity shows a bottom navigation bar with options to travel to other five pages by clicking on the icons. This bar is shown in all of the fragments so, at any time, the user can navigate between the settings, profile, home, statistics, and calendar pages.
68 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
69 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
70 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
falar de stepCounterService + fragments? 
71 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
Começa logo o stepCounterservice ptt começa logo a contar os passos? 
72 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
73 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
//faz sentido fazer isto assim ou faz + sentido explicar a conexão bluetooth e aquisição de dados antes do LogoActivity?
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75 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
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h3. SettingsFragment
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78 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
After the Main Activity, the user is sent to the page where he can fill his information, so that the calculations performed later regarding the walked distance, for example, can be adequated to the user's characteristics. Here, the user can choose their weight, age and height through the displayed number pickers and the gender through the radio buttons. When the user clicks on the save button, this data is stored in the database under the user's Id. If the information required on this page is not filled in, the app assumes default values for the user's settings. Also, if the user decides to leave this fragment before saving the desired settings, this values will not be stored, and won't appear once this activity is opened again. After this, the user can click on the bar in the bottom to travel to any fragment they desire.
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80 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
//meter prints da db?
81 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
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83 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. ProfileFragment
84 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
85 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
In this fragment, the user can choose the goals he wants to accomplish by choosing the desired steps, calories burnt, walked distance or spent time through the number pickers. In resemblance to the SettingsFragment, by clicking on the save button, the user's data is stored in the database under the user Id. Also, simmilarly to the SettingsFragmment, if the user leaves the fragment before saving the desired goals, this values will not be stored, and won't appear once this fragment is opened again. While this page is not filled in, the app assumes default values for the goals.
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87 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
//meter prints da db?
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h3. HomeFragment
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In this fragment, data obtained from the present day is shown. Here, the walked distance, burnt calories and a progress bar are presented. The progress bar shows a percentage of the steps taken, being the previously set step goal the maximum value where the bar is full (100%): progress bar value = (taken steps x 100) / step goal. 
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As the user approaches and achieves his step goals, notifications are sent, to motivate the user. 
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95 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
...falar sobre notificações...
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Also, when the user achieves the step goal, a celebration animation appears on the screen of the app. 
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99 10 Ana Sofia Sousa
....falar sobre a animação - saber se funciona 1º
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105 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. StatisticsFragment
106 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
107 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
When the user clicks on the statistics icon in the bottom navigation bar, ......
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109 1 Ana Sofia Sousa
110 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
h3. CalendarFragment
111 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
112 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
When the user clicks on the calendar icon in the bottom navigation bar, ....
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h3. DatabaseHelper
117 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
118 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
To allow saving and retrieving the necessary data in the app, this file is used to manage and interact with a SQLite database. //by providing methods for tasks such as initializing the database, inserting data, updating records, and retrieving information?
119 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
120 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
In this file, the database in initialized, three tables 'users', 'Data', and 'ACCDataTable' are created and some default data is inserted.
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122 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
esquema da estrutura das tabelas...
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124 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
The database is upgraded when there is a change in the database version, dropping the existing tables and recreating them with the updated structure. 
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126 9 Ana Sofia Sousa
Regarding the user related operations: The insertUser method inserts a new user into the users table, checking for the availability of the username.
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Regarding the operations of the data obtained from the vital jacket: The insert method inserts data into the Data table, including steps, calories, distance, time, and date. The getAll method retrieves data from the Data table, grouping it by date.
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Regarding the profile and settings updates: The updateSettings and updateProfile methods update user settings and profiles, respectively, in the users table based on the provided user ID.
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Accelerometer Data Operations: The addACCData method inserts accelerometer data into the ACCDataTable table. It also uses a ContentResolver to insert data into a content provider (MyContentProvider).
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User ID Retrieval: The getUserIdByUsername method retrieves the user ID based on the given username from the users table.
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h3. MyContentProvider?
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//se tiver a ver com os dados do VJ por isto depois do bluetooth/main activity