From 20/12/2023 to 18/01/2024
- 23:47 Support #17649 (Resolved): Report Structure
- 23:46 Feature #17651 (Resolved): Database
- 23:46 Support #17662 (Resolved): Activity diagram workflow
- 23:45 Feature #17729 (Resolved): Calendar Fragment
- 23:44 Support #17661 (Resolved): Add UML diagram to wiki
- 23:44 Feature #17647 (Resolved): App Layout
- 23:44 Feature #17764 (Resolved): weekly graph
- 23:43 Task #17642 (Resolved): 2.3 3-axis accelerometer and step counting
- 23:43 Task #17644 (Resolved): 2.5 Similar Apps
- 23:41 Task #17641 (Resolved): 2.2 Vital Jacket
- 23:41 Task #17785 (Closed): Layouts improvement
- Development and improvement of the app layouts
- 23:39 Task #17617 (Resolved): State of the Art and Literature of 3-axis accelerometer (VJ)
- 23:37 Task #17784 (Closed): Animation HomeFragment
- Confetti animation when goals are reached
- 23:26 Support #17613 (Resolved): Acesso SDK Andoid do VJ
- 22:39 Feature #17779 (Closed): Profile/Settings Fragment
- 20:21 Task #17639 (Closed): Vital Jacket - App Connection
- 17:06 Task #17720 (Closed): Bluetooth Connection
- 16:47 Feature #17773 (Closed): Step Counter Service
- Retrieve the dataACC from the database
Make the calculations for the steps, kcal and distance
Save the calculations...
- 15:30 Task #17642 (Feedback): 2.3 3-axis accelerometer and step counting
- 15:27 Task #17641 (Feedback): 2.2 Vital Jacket
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