root / proj / report / report.tex @ 365
History | View | Annotate | Download (3.99 KB)
1 | 365 | up20180642 | \documentclass{article} |
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83 | % Metadata |
84 | \title{\Huge LabWars \\ \Large Final report \\ \vspace*{4pt} \large LCOM 2019/20} |
85 | \author{ |
86 | T5G03\\ |
87 | \begin{tabular}{r l} |
88 | \email{} & Diogo Miguel Ferreira Rodrigues \\ |
89 | \email{} & Telmo Alexandre Espirito Santo Baptista |
90 | \end{tabular} |
91 | } |
92 | \date{06/01/2020} |
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99 | \tableofcontents |
100 | %\endgroup |
101 | \section{User instructions} |
102 | \subsection{Main menu} |
103 | On startup, users are greeted by a \texttt{Loading...} message, briefly followed by the main screen. |
104 | \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{main_menu} \end{center} |
105 | |||
106 | \subsection{Chat} |
107 | This chat tool was initially designed as a simple, text mode, test communication between different machines. We have however decided to include it as a functionality in the project for a number of reasons: |
108 | \begin{enumerate} |
109 | \item It was easy to develop the graphical part and integrate in the project. |
110 | \item Having a friendly functionality that uses the communication modules allows for faster debugging; in case the computers are not properly connected, or if during development something stops working we can immediately check if the communication modules also stopped working. |
111 | \item It served as a minimal insurance that our project would integrate the communication modules, in case we could not implement multiplayer mode. |
112 | \item It is a useful feature. |
113 | \end{enumerate} |
114 | |||
115 | \section{Project status} |
116 | Hey |
117 | \section{Code organization/structure} |
118 | Hey |
119 | \section{Implementation details} |
120 | Hey |
121 | \section{Conclusions} |
122 | Hey |
123 | \end{document} |