root / proj / project / src / interrupts_func.c @ 365
History | View | Annotate | Download (7.45 KB)
1 | 178 | up20180642 | #include <lcom/lcf.h> |
2 | |||
3 | 154 | up20180655 | #include "interrupts_func.h" |
4 | #include "timer.h" |
5 | #include "keyboard.h" |
6 | #include "mouse.h" |
7 | 287 | up20180642 | #include "hltp.h" |
8 | 154 | up20180655 | #include "utils.h" |
9 | #include "errors.h" |
10 | |||
11 | static int timer_subscribed = 0, timer_id; |
12 | |||
13 | static int keyboard_subscribed = 0, kbc_id; |
14 | |||
15 | static int mouse_subscribed = 0, mouse_id; |
16 | |||
17 | 263 | up20180642 | static int uart_subscribed = 0, uart_id; |
18 | |||
19 | 154 | up20180655 | static void (*const ih[])(void) = { timer_int_handler, |
20 | kbc_ih, |
21 | NULL,
22 | NULL,
23 | NULL,
24 | NULL,
25 | NULL,
26 | NULL,
27 | NULL,
28 | NULL,
29 | NULL,
30 | NULL,
31 | mouse_ih, |
32 | NULL,
33 | NULL,
34 | NULL,
35 | NULL,
36 | NULL,
37 | NULL,
38 | NULL,
39 | NULL,
40 | NULL,
41 | NULL,
42 | NULL,
43 | NULL,
44 | NULL,
45 | NULL,
46 | NULL,
47 | NULL,
48 | NULL,
49 | NULL,
50 | NULL,
51 | }; |
52 | 297 | up20180642 | /*
53 | 287 | up20180642 | static void process_received(const uint8_t *p, const size_t sz){
54 | void *q = NULL;
55 | hltp_type t = hltp_interpret(p, sz, &q);
56 | switch(t){
57 | case hltp_type_string:{
58 | char *s = q;
59 | printf("%s\n", s);
60 | } break;
61 | default: break;
62 | }
63 | }
64 | 297 | up20180642 | */
65 | 154 | up20180655 | int (subscribe_all)(void) { |
66 | |||
67 | /// Timer interrupt handling
68 | timer_id = 0;
69 | if(subscribe_timer_interrupt(TIMER0_IRQ, &timer_id)) {
70 | printf("%s: failed to subscribe timer interrupts.\n", __func__);
71 | return SBCR_ERROR;
72 | } |
73 | timer_subscribed = 1;
74 | |||
75 | /// Keyboard interrupt handling
76 | kbc_id = 0;
77 | if (subscribe_kbc_interrupt(KBC_IRQ, &kbc_id)) {
78 | printf("%s: failed to subscribe keyboard interrupts.\n", __func__);
79 | if (unsubscribe_all())
80 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe driver, unexpected behaviour is expected.\n", __func__);
81 | 154 | up20180655 | return SBCR_ERROR;
82 | } |
83 | keyboard_subscribed = 1;
84 | |||
85 | /// Mouse interrupt handling
86 | mouse_id = 0;
87 | if (subscribe_mouse_interrupt(MOUSE_IRQ, &mouse_id)) { // subscribes mouse interrupts in exclusive mode |
88 | printf("%s: failed to subscribe mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
89 | if (unsubscribe_all())
90 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe driver, unexpected behaviour is expected.\n", __func__);
91 | 154 | up20180655 | return SBCR_ERROR;
92 | } |
93 | mouse_subscribed = 1;
94 | if (sys_irqdisable(&mouse_id)) { // temporarily disables our interrupts notifications |
95 | printf("%s: failed to disable mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
96 | if (unsubscribe_all())
97 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe driver, unexpected behaviour is expected.\n", __func__);
98 | 154 | up20180655 | return SBCR_ERROR;
99 | } |
100 | if (mouse_set_data_report(true)) { // enables mouse data reporting |
101 | printf("%s: failed to enable mouse data reporting.\n", __func__);
102 | if (unsubscribe_all())
103 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe driver, unexpected behaviour is expected.\n", __func__);
104 | 154 | up20180655 | return SBCR_ERROR;
105 | } |
106 | if (sys_irqenable(&mouse_id)) { // re-enables our interrupts notifications |
107 | printf("%s: failed to enable mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
108 | if (unsubscribe_all())
109 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe driver, unexpected behaviour is expected.\n", __func__);
110 | 154 | up20180655 | return SBCR_ERROR;
111 | } |
112 | |||
113 | 263 | up20180642 | /// UART interrupt handling
114 | uart_id = 0;
115 | 272 | up20180642 | uart_set_bits_per_character(COM1_ADDR, 8);
116 | uart_set_stop_bits (COM1_ADDR, 2);
117 | uart_set_parity (COM1_ADDR, uart_parity_even); |
118 | 328 | up20180642 | uart_set_bit_rate (COM1_ADDR, 115200);
119 | 263 | up20180642 | uart_enable_int_rx (COM1_ADDR); |
120 | 275 | up20180642 | uart_enable_int_tx(COM1_ADDR); |
121 | 263 | up20180642 | if(subscribe_uart_interrupt(COM1_IRQ, &uart_id)) {
122 | printf("%s: failed to subscribe UART interrupts.\n", __func__);
123 | return SBCR_ERROR;
124 | } |
125 | uart_subscribed = 1;
126 | 297 | up20180642 | nctp_init(); |
127 | 263 | up20180642 | |
128 | 154 | up20180655 | return SUCCESS;
129 | } |
130 | |||
131 | int (unsubscribe_all)(void) { |
132 | int r = SUCCESS;
133 | |||
134 | // Unsubscribe Timer Interrupts
135 | if (timer_subscribed) {
136 | if (unsubscribe_interrupt(&timer_id)) {
137 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe timer interrupts.\n", __func__);
138 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
139 | } |
140 | timer_subscribed = 0;
141 | } |
142 | |||
143 | // Unsubscribe Keyboard interrupts
144 | if (keyboard_subscribed) {
145 | if (unsubscribe_interrupt(&kbc_id)) {
146 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe keyboard interrupts.\n", __func__);
147 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
148 | } |
149 | keyboard_subscribed = 0;
150 | } |
151 | |||
152 | // Unsubscribe Mouse Interrupts
153 | if (mouse_subscribed) {
154 | if (sys_irqdisable(&mouse_id)) { // temporarily disables our interrupts notifications |
155 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to disable mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
156 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
157 | } |
158 | if (mouse_set_data_report(false)) { // disables mouse data reporting |
159 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to disable mouse data reporting.\n", __func__);
160 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
161 | } |
162 | if (sys_irqenable(&mouse_id)) { // re-enables our interrupts notifications |
163 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to enable mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
164 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
165 | } |
166 | if (unsubscribe_interrupt(&mouse_id)) { // unsubscribes interrupts |
167 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe mouse interrupts.\n", __func__);
168 | 154 | up20180655 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
169 | } |
170 | mouse_subscribed = 0;
171 | } |
172 | |||
173 | 263 | up20180642 | // Unsubscribe UART interrupts
174 | if (uart_subscribed) {
175 | if (unsubscribe_interrupt(&uart_id)) {
176 | 321 | up20180642 | printf("%s: failed to unsubcribe UART interrupts.\n", __func__);
177 | 263 | up20180642 | r = UNSBCR_ERROR; |
178 | } |
179 | uart_enable_int_rx(COM1_ADDR); |
180 | uart_enable_int_tx(COM1_ADDR); |
181 | uart_subscribed = 0;
182 | } |
183 | 275 | up20180642 | nctp_free(); |
184 | 263 | up20180642 | |
185 | 154 | up20180655 | return r;
186 | } |
187 | |||
188 | 250 | up20180655 | void (interrupt_handler)(uint8_t handler) {
189 | 154 | up20180655 | if (handler >= 32) return; |
190 | 342 | up20180655 | if ((ih[handler]) == NULL) return; |
191 | 154 | up20180655 | (*ih[handler])(); |
192 | } |
193 | 250 | up20180655 | |
194 | 323 | up20180642 | int get_interrupts_vector(uint64_t *p){
195 | 304 | up20180642 | int r;
196 | |||
197 | *p = 0;
198 | |||
199 | int ipc_status;
200 | message msg; |
201 | if ((r = driver_receive(ANY, &msg, &ipc_status)) != 0) { |
202 | printf("driver_receive failed with %d", r);
203 | return OTHER_ERROR;
204 | } |
205 | if (is_ipc_notify(ipc_status)) { /* received notification */ |
206 | switch (_ENDPOINT_P(msg.m_source)) {
207 | case HARDWARE: /* hardware interrupt notification */ |
208 | *p = msg.m_notify.interrupts; |
209 | return SUCCESS;
210 | default: break; /* no other notifications expected: do nothing */ |
211 | } |
212 | } |
213 | return SUCCESS;
214 | } |