root / proj / include / rtc.h @ 267
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#include <stdint.h> |
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* @brief Subscribes RTC Interrupts
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* @param interrupt_bit Bit of Interrupt Vector that will be set when RTC Interrupt is pending
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* @param interrupt_id RTC Interrupt ID to specify the RTC Interrupt in other calls
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* @return ERROR_CODE code representing the result of the operation, SUCCESS code is returned if everything is OK
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* @see {_ERRORS_H_::errors}
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int (subscribe_rtc_interrupt)(uint8_t interrupt_bit, int *interrupt_id); |
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int (rtc_read_register)(uint32_t reg, uint8_t *data);
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int (rtc_write_register)(uint32_t reg, uint8_t data);
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* @brief Checks if there's an update in progress.
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* @return The value of the flag UIP, or ERROR_CODE if error occurs.
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int (rtc_check_update)(void); |
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* @brief Enables/Disables updates of time/date registers.
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* @param on zero to disable, any other value to enable
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* @return ERROR_CODE code representing the result of the operation, SUCCESS code is returned if everything is OK
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int (rtc_set_updates)(int on); |
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* @brief Reads time from RTC.
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* @param time Pointer to array of 3 bytes to store the information about time (hours, minutes, seconds)
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* @return ERROR_CODE code representing the result of the operation, SUCCESS code is returned if everything is OK
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int (rtc_read_time)(uint8_t *time);
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* @brief Reads date from RTC.
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* @param date Pointer to array of 4 bytes to store the information about date (year, month, day, weekday)
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* @return ERROR_CODE code representing the result of the operation, SUCCESS code is returned if everything is OK
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int (rtc_read_date)(uint8_t *date);
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#endif /* end of include guard: RTC_H_INCLUDED */ |