root / lab4 / .minix-src / include / event2 / dns.h
History | View | Annotate | Download (24.2 KB)
1 | 13 | up20180614 | /* $NetBSD: dns.h,v 2015/01/29 06:38:28 spz Exp $ */
2 | /* $NetBSD: dns.h,v 2015/01/29 06:38:28 spz Exp $ */
3 | /*
4 | * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Niels Provos <>
5 | * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Niels Provos and Nick Mathewson
6 | *
7 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
8 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
9 | * are met:
10 | * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12 | * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14 | * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15 | * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
16 | * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
17 | *
28 | */
29 | |||
30 | /*
31 | * The original DNS code is due to Adam Langley with heavy
32 | * modifications by Nick Mathewson. Adam put his DNS software in the
33 | * public domain. You can find his original copyright below. Please,
34 | * aware that the code as part of Libevent is governed by the 3-clause
35 | * BSD license above.
36 | *
37 | * This software is Public Domain. To view a copy of the public domain dedication,
38 | * visit or send a letter to
39 | * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
40 | *
41 | * I ask and expect, but do not require, that all derivative works contain an
42 | * attribution similar to:
43 | * Parts developed by Adam Langley <>
44 | *
45 | * You may wish to replace the word "Parts" with something else depending on
46 | * the amount of original code.
47 | *
48 | * (Derivative works does not include programs which link against, run or include
49 | * the source verbatim in their source distributions)
50 | */
51 | |||
52 | /** @file event2/dns.h
53 | *
54 | * Welcome, gentle reader
55 | *
56 | * Async DNS lookups are really a whole lot harder than they should be,
57 | * mostly stemming from the fact that the libc resolver has never been
58 | * very good at them. Before you use this library you should see if libc
59 | * can do the job for you with the modern async call getaddrinfo_a
60 | * (see Otherwise,
61 | * please continue.
62 | *
63 | * The library keeps track of the state of nameservers and will avoid
64 | * them when they go down. Otherwise it will round robin between them.
65 | *
66 | * Quick start guide:
67 | * #include "evdns.h"
68 | * void callback(int result, char type, int count, int ttl,
69 | * void *addresses, void *arg);
70 | * evdns_resolv_conf_parse(DNS_OPTIONS_ALL, "/etc/resolv.conf");
71 | * evdns_resolve("", 0, callback, NULL);
72 | *
73 | * When the lookup is complete the callback function is called. The
74 | * first argument will be one of the DNS_ERR_* defines in evdns.h.
75 | * Hopefully it will be DNS_ERR_NONE, in which case type will be
76 | * DNS_IPv4_A, count will be the number of IP addresses, ttl is the time
77 | * which the data can be cached for (in seconds), addresses will point
78 | * to an array of uint32_t's and arg will be whatever you passed to
79 | * evdns_resolve.
80 | *
81 | * Searching:
82 | *
83 | * In order for this library to be a good replacement for glibc's resolver it
84 | * supports searching. This involves setting a list of default domains, in
85 | * which names will be queried for. The number of dots in the query name
86 | * determines the order in which this list is used.
87 | *
88 | * Searching appears to be a single lookup from the point of view of the API,
89 | * although many DNS queries may be generated from a single call to
90 | * evdns_resolve. Searching can also drastically slow down the resolution
91 | * of names.
92 | *
93 | * To disable searching:
94 | * 1. Never set it up. If you never call evdns_resolv_conf_parse or
95 | * evdns_search_add then no searching will occur.
96 | *
97 | * 2. If you do call evdns_resolv_conf_parse then don't pass
98 | * DNS_OPTION_SEARCH (or DNS_OPTIONS_ALL, which implies it).
99 | *
100 | * 3. When calling evdns_resolve, pass the DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH flag.
101 | *
102 | * The order of searches depends on the number of dots in the name. If the
103 | * number is greater than the ndots setting then the names is first tried
104 | * globally. Otherwise each search domain is appended in turn.
105 | *
106 | * The ndots setting can either be set from a resolv.conf, or by calling
107 | * evdns_search_ndots_set.
108 | *
109 | * For example, with ndots set to 1 (the default) and a search domain list of
110 | * [""]:
111 | * Query: www
112 | * Order:, www.
113 | *
114 | * Query:
115 | * Order:,
116 | *
117 | * Internals:
118 | *
119 | * Requests are kept in two queues. The first is the inflight queue. In
120 | * this queue requests have an allocated transaction id and nameserver.
121 | * They will soon be transmitted if they haven't already been.
122 | *
123 | * The second is the waiting queue. The size of the inflight ring is
124 | * limited and all other requests wait in waiting queue for space. This
125 | * bounds the number of concurrent requests so that we don't flood the
126 | * nameserver. Several algorithms require a full walk of the inflight
127 | * queue and so bounding its size keeps thing going nicely under huge
128 | * (many thousands of requests) loads.
129 | *
130 | * If a nameserver loses too many requests it is considered down and we
131 | * try not to use it. After a while we send a probe to that nameserver
132 | * (a lookup for and, if it replies, we consider it working
133 | * again. If the nameserver fails a probe we wait longer to try again
134 | * with the next probe.
135 | */
136 | |||
137 | #ifndef _EVENT2_DNS_H_
138 | #define _EVENT2_DNS_H_
139 | |||
140 | #ifdef __cplusplus
141 | extern "C" { |
142 | #endif
143 | |||
144 | /* For integer types. */
145 | #include <event2/util.h> |
146 | |||
147 | /** Error codes 0-5 are as described in RFC 1035. */
148 | #define DNS_ERR_NONE 0 |
149 | /** The name server was unable to interpret the query */
150 | #define DNS_ERR_FORMAT 1 |
151 | /** The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the
152 | * name server */
153 | #define DNS_ERR_SERVERFAILED 2 |
154 | /** The domain name does not exist */
155 | #define DNS_ERR_NOTEXIST 3 |
156 | /** The name server does not support the requested kind of query */
157 | #define DNS_ERR_NOTIMPL 4 |
158 | /** The name server refuses to reform the specified operation for policy
159 | * reasons */
160 | #define DNS_ERR_REFUSED 5 |
161 | /** The reply was truncated or ill-formatted */
162 | #define DNS_ERR_TRUNCATED 65 |
163 | /** An unknown error occurred */
164 | #define DNS_ERR_UNKNOWN 66 |
165 | /** Communication with the server timed out */
166 | #define DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT 67 |
167 | /** The request was canceled because the DNS subsystem was shut down. */
168 | #define DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN 68 |
169 | /** The request was canceled via a call to evdns_cancel_request */
170 | #define DNS_ERR_CANCEL 69 |
171 | /** There were no answers and no error condition in the DNS packet.
172 | * This can happen when you ask for an address that exists, but a record
173 | * type that doesn't. */
174 | #define DNS_ERR_NODATA 70 |
175 | |||
176 | #define DNS_IPv4_A 1 |
177 | #define DNS_PTR 2 |
178 | #define DNS_IPv6_AAAA 3 |
179 | |||
180 | #define DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH 1 |
181 | |||
182 | #define DNS_OPTION_SEARCH 1 |
183 | #define DNS_OPTION_NAMESERVERS 2 |
184 | #define DNS_OPTION_MISC 4 |
185 | #define DNS_OPTION_HOSTSFILE 8 |
186 | #define DNS_OPTIONS_ALL 15 |
187 | |||
188 | /* Obsolete name for DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH */
190 | |||
191 | /**
192 | * The callback that contains the results from a lookup.
193 | * - result is one of the DNS_ERR_* values (DNS_ERR_NONE for success)
194 | * - type is either DNS_IPv4_A or DNS_PTR or DNS_IPv6_AAAA
195 | * - count contains the number of addresses of form type
196 | * - ttl is the number of seconds the resolution may be cached for.
197 | * - addresses needs to be cast according to type. It will be an array of
198 | * 4-byte sequences for ipv4, or an array of 16-byte sequences for ipv6,
199 | * or a nul-terminated string for PTR.
200 | */
201 | typedef void (*evdns_callback_type) (int result, char type, int count, int ttl, void *addresses, void *arg); |
202 | |||
203 | struct evdns_base;
204 | struct event_base;
205 | |||
206 | /**
207 | Initialize the asynchronous DNS library.
208 | |||
209 | This function initializes support for non-blocking name resolution by
210 | calling evdns_resolv_conf_parse() on UNIX and
211 | evdns_config_windows_nameservers() on Windows.
212 | |||
213 | @param event_base the event base to associate the dns client with
214 | @param initialize_nameservers 1 if resolve.conf processing should occur
215 | @return evdns_base object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
216 | @see evdns_base_free()
217 | */
218 | struct evdns_base * evdns_base_new(struct event_base *event_base, int initialize_nameservers); |
219 | |||
220 | |||
221 | /**
222 | Shut down the asynchronous DNS resolver and terminate all active requests.
223 | |||
224 | If the 'fail_requests' option is enabled, all active requests will return
225 | an empty result with the error flag set to DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN. Otherwise,
226 | the requests will be silently discarded.
227 | |||
228 | @param evdns_base the evdns base to free
229 | @param fail_requests if zero, active requests will be aborted; if non-zero,
230 | active requests will return DNS_ERR_SHUTDOWN.
231 | @see evdns_base_new()
232 | */
233 | void evdns_base_free(struct evdns_base *base, int fail_requests); |
234 | |||
235 | /**
236 | Convert a DNS error code to a string.
237 | |||
238 | @param err the DNS error code
239 | @return a string containing an explanation of the error code
240 | */
241 | const char *evdns_err_to_string(int err); |
242 | |||
243 | |||
244 | /**
245 | Add a nameserver.
246 | |||
247 | The address should be an IPv4 address in network byte order.
248 | The type of address is chosen so that it matches in_addr.s_addr.
249 | |||
250 | @param base the evdns_base to which to add the name server
251 | @param address an IP address in network byte order
252 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
253 | @see evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add()
254 | */
255 | int evdns_base_nameserver_add(struct evdns_base *base, |
256 | unsigned long int address); |
257 | |||
258 | /**
259 | Get the number of configured nameservers.
260 | |||
261 | This returns the number of configured nameservers (not necessarily the
262 | number of running nameservers). This is useful for double-checking
263 | whether our calls to the various nameserver configuration functions
264 | have been successful.
265 | |||
266 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
267 | @return the number of configured nameservers
268 | @see evdns_base_nameserver_add()
269 | */
270 | int evdns_base_count_nameservers(struct evdns_base *base); |
271 | |||
272 | /**
273 | Remove all configured nameservers, and suspend all pending resolves.
274 | |||
275 | Resolves will not necessarily be re-attempted until evdns_base_resume() is called.
276 | |||
277 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
278 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
279 | @see evdns_base_resume()
280 | */
281 | int evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend(struct evdns_base *base); |
282 | |||
283 | |||
284 | /**
285 | Resume normal operation and continue any suspended resolve requests.
286 | |||
287 | Re-attempt resolves left in limbo after an earlier call to
288 | evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend().
289 | |||
290 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
291 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
292 | @see evdns_base_clear_nameservers_and_suspend()
293 | */
294 | int evdns_base_resume(struct evdns_base *base); |
295 | |||
296 | /**
297 | Add a nameserver by string address.
298 | |||
299 | This function parses a n IPv4 or IPv6 address from a string and adds it as a
300 | nameserver. It supports the following formats:
301 | - [IPv6Address]:port
302 | - [IPv6Address]
303 | - IPv6Address
304 | - IPv4Address:port
305 | - IPv4Address
306 | |||
307 | If no port is specified, it defaults to 53.
308 | |||
309 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
310 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
311 | @see evdns_base_nameserver_add()
312 | */
313 | int evdns_base_nameserver_ip_add(struct evdns_base *base, |
314 | const char *ip_as_string); |
315 | |||
316 | /**
317 | Add a nameserver by sockaddr.
318 | **/
319 | int
320 | evdns_base_nameserver_sockaddr_add(struct evdns_base *base,
321 | const struct sockaddr *sa, ev_socklen_t len, unsigned flags); |
322 | |||
323 | struct evdns_request;
324 | |||
325 | /**
326 | Lookup an A record for a given name.
327 | |||
328 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
329 | @param name a DNS hostname
330 | @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
331 | @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
332 | @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
333 | @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
334 | @see evdns_resolve_ipv6(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
335 | */
336 | struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_ipv4(struct evdns_base *base, const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr); |
337 | |||
338 | /**
339 | Lookup an AAAA record for a given name.
340 | |||
341 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
342 | @param name a DNS hostname
343 | @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
344 | @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
345 | @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
346 | @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
347 | @see evdns_resolve_ipv4(), evdns_resolve_reverse(), evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
348 | */
349 | struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_ipv6(struct evdns_base *base, const char *name, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr); |
350 | |||
351 | struct in_addr;
352 | struct in6_addr;
353 | |||
354 | /**
355 | Lookup a PTR record for a given IP address.
356 | |||
357 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
358 | @param in an IPv4 address
359 | @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
360 | @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
361 | @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
362 | @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
363 | @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
364 | */
365 | struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_reverse(struct evdns_base *base, const struct in_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr); |
366 | |||
367 | |||
368 | /**
369 | Lookup a PTR record for a given IPv6 address.
370 | |||
371 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
372 | @param in an IPv6 address
373 | @param flags either 0, or DNS_QUERY_NO_SEARCH to disable searching for this query.
374 | @param callback a callback function to invoke when the request is completed
375 | @param ptr an argument to pass to the callback function
376 | @return an evdns_request object if successful, or NULL if an error occurred.
377 | @see evdns_resolve_reverse_ipv6(), evdns_cancel_request()
378 | */
379 | struct evdns_request *evdns_base_resolve_reverse_ipv6(struct evdns_base *base, const struct in6_addr *in, int flags, evdns_callback_type callback, void *ptr); |
380 | |||
381 | /**
382 | Cancels a pending DNS resolution request.
383 | |||
384 | @param base the evdns_base that was used to make the request
385 | @param req the evdns_request that was returned by calling a resolve function
386 | @see evdns_base_resolve_ipv4(), evdns_base_resolve_ipv6, evdns_base_resolve_reverse
387 | */
388 | void evdns_cancel_request(struct evdns_base *base, struct evdns_request *req); |
389 | |||
390 | /**
391 | Set the value of a configuration option.
392 | |||
393 | The currently available configuration options are:
394 | |||
395 | ndots, timeout, max-timeouts, max-inflight, attempts, randomize-case,
396 | bind-to, initial-probe-timeout, getaddrinfo-allow-skew.
397 | |||
398 | In versions before Libevent 2.0.3-alpha, the option name needed to end with
399 | a colon.
400 | |||
401 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
402 | @param option the name of the configuration option to be modified
403 | @param val the value to be set
404 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
405 | */
406 | int evdns_base_set_option(struct evdns_base *base, const char *option, const char *val); |
407 | |||
408 | |||
409 | /**
410 | Parse a resolv.conf file.
411 | |||
412 | The 'flags' parameter determines what information is parsed from the
413 | resolv.conf file. See the man page for resolv.conf for the format of this
414 | file.
415 | |||
416 | The following directives are not parsed from the file: sortlist, rotate,
417 | no-check-names, inet6, debug.
418 | |||
419 | If this function encounters an error, the possible return values are: 1 =
420 | failed to open file, 2 = failed to stat file, 3 = file too large, 4 = out of
421 | memory, 5 = short read from file, 6 = no nameservers listed in the file
422 | |||
423 | @param base the evdns_base to which to apply this operation
426 | @param filename the path to the resolv.conf file
427 | @return 0 if successful, or various positive error codes if an error
428 | occurred (see above)
429 | @see resolv.conf(3), evdns_config_windows_nameservers()
430 | */
431 | int evdns_base_resolv_conf_parse(struct evdns_base *base, int flags, const char *const filename); |
432 | |||
433 | /**
434 | Load an /etc/hosts-style file from 'hosts_fname' into 'base'.
435 | |||
436 | If hosts_fname is NULL, add minimal entries for localhost, and nothing
437 | else.
438 | |||
439 | Note that only evdns_getaddrinfo uses the /etc/hosts entries.
440 | |||
441 | Return 0 on success, negative on failure.
442 | */
443 | int evdns_base_load_hosts(struct evdns_base *base, const char *hosts_fname); |
444 | |||
445 | /**
446 | Obtain nameserver information using the Windows API.
447 | |||
448 | Attempt to configure a set of nameservers based on platform settings on
449 | a win32 host. Preferentially tries to use GetNetworkParams; if that fails,
450 | looks in the registry.
451 | |||
452 | @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
453 | @see evdns_resolv_conf_parse()
454 | */
455 | #ifdef WIN32
456 | int evdns_base_config_windows_nameservers(struct evdns_base *); |
458 | #endif
459 | |||
460 | |||
461 | /**
462 | Clear the list of search domains.
463 | */
464 | void evdns_base_search_clear(struct evdns_base *base); |
465 | |||
466 | |||
467 | /**
468 | Add a domain to the list of search domains
469 | |||
470 | @param domain the domain to be added to the search list
471 | */
472 | void evdns_base_search_add(struct evdns_base *base, const char *domain); |
473 | |||
474 | |||
475 | /**
476 | Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches.
477 | |||
478 | Sets the number of dots which, when found in a name, causes
479 | the first query to be without any search domain.
480 | |||
481 | @param ndots the new ndots parameter
482 | */
483 | void evdns_base_search_ndots_set(struct evdns_base *base, const int ndots); |
484 | |||
485 | /**
486 | A callback that is invoked when a log message is generated
487 | |||
488 | @param is_warning indicates if the log message is a 'warning'
489 | @param msg the content of the log message
490 | */
491 | typedef void (*evdns_debug_log_fn_type)(int is_warning, const char *msg); |
492 | |||
493 | |||
494 | /**
495 | Set the callback function to handle DNS log messages. If this
496 | callback is not set, evdns log messages are handled with the regular
497 | Libevent logging system.
498 | |||
499 | @param fn the callback to be invoked when a log message is generated
500 | */
501 | void evdns_set_log_fn(evdns_debug_log_fn_type fn);
502 | |||
503 | /**
504 | Set a callback that will be invoked to generate transaction IDs. By
505 | default, we pick transaction IDs based on the current clock time, which
506 | is bad for security.
507 | |||
508 | @param fn the new callback, or NULL to use the default.
509 | |||
510 | NOTE: This function has no effect in Libevent 2.0.4-alpha and later,
511 | since Libevent now provides its own secure RNG.
512 | */
513 | void evdns_set_transaction_id_fn(ev_uint16_t (*fn)(void)); |
514 | |||
515 | /**
516 | Set a callback used to generate random bytes. By default, we use
517 | the same function as passed to evdns_set_transaction_id_fn to generate
518 | bytes two at a time. If a function is provided here, it's also used
519 | to generate transaction IDs.
520 | |||
521 | NOTE: This function has no effect in Libevent 2.0.4-alpha and later,
522 | since Libevent now provides its own secure RNG.
523 | */
524 | void evdns_set_random_bytes_fn(void (*fn)(char *, size_t)); |
525 | |||
526 | /*
527 | * Functions used to implement a DNS server.
528 | */
529 | |||
530 | struct evdns_server_request;
531 | struct evdns_server_question;
532 | |||
533 | /**
534 | A callback to implement a DNS server. The callback function receives a DNS
535 | request. It should then optionally add a number of answers to the reply
536 | using the evdns_server_request_add_*_reply functions, before calling either
537 | evdns_server_request_respond to send the reply back, or
538 | evdns_server_request_drop to decline to answer the request.
539 | |||
540 | @param req A newly received request
541 | @param user_data A pointer that was passed to
542 | evdns_add_server_port_with_base().
543 | */
544 | typedef void (*evdns_request_callback_fn_type)(struct evdns_server_request *, void *); |
545 | #define EVDNS_ANSWER_SECTION 0 |
548 | |||
549 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_A 1 |
550 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_NS 2 |
551 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_CNAME 5 |
552 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_SOA 6 |
553 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_PTR 12 |
554 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_MX 15 |
555 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_TXT 16 |
556 | #define EVDNS_TYPE_AAAA 28 |
557 | |||
558 | #define EVDNS_QTYPE_AXFR 252 |
559 | #define EVDNS_QTYPE_ALL 255 |
560 | |||
561 | #define EVDNS_CLASS_INET 1 |
562 | |||
563 | /* flags that can be set in answers; as part of the err parameter */
564 | #define EVDNS_FLAGS_AA 0x400 |
565 | #define EVDNS_FLAGS_RD 0x080 |
566 | |||
567 | /** Create a new DNS server port.
568 | |||
569 | @param base The event base to handle events for the server port.
570 | @param socket A UDP socket to accept DNS requests.
571 | @param flags Always 0 for now.
572 | @param callback A function to invoke whenever we get a DNS request
573 | on the socket.
574 | @param user_data Data to pass to the callback.
575 | @return an evdns_server_port structure for this server port.
576 | */
577 | struct evdns_server_port *evdns_add_server_port_with_base(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t socket, int flags, evdns_request_callback_fn_type callback, void *user_data); |
578 | /** Close down a DNS server port, and free associated structures. */
579 | void evdns_close_server_port(struct evdns_server_port *port); |
580 | |||
581 | /** Sets some flags in a reply we're building.
582 | Allows setting of the AA or RD flags
583 | */
584 | void evdns_server_request_set_flags(struct evdns_server_request *req, int flags); |
585 | |||
586 | /* Functions to add an answer to an in-progress DNS reply.
587 | */
588 | int evdns_server_request_add_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, int section, const char *name, int type, int dns_class, int ttl, int datalen, int is_name, const char *data); |
589 | int evdns_server_request_add_a_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, int n, const void *addrs, int ttl); |
590 | int evdns_server_request_add_aaaa_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, int n, const void *addrs, int ttl); |
591 | int evdns_server_request_add_ptr_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, struct in_addr *in, const char *inaddr_name, const char *hostname, int ttl); |
592 | int evdns_server_request_add_cname_reply(struct evdns_server_request *req, const char *name, const char *cname, int ttl); |
593 | |||
594 | /**
595 | Send back a response to a DNS request, and free the request structure.
596 | */
597 | int evdns_server_request_respond(struct evdns_server_request *req, int err); |
598 | /**
599 | Free a DNS request without sending back a reply.
600 | */
601 | int evdns_server_request_drop(struct evdns_server_request *req); |
602 | struct sockaddr;
603 | /**
604 | Get the address that made a DNS request.
605 | */
606 | int evdns_server_request_get_requesting_addr(struct evdns_server_request *_req, struct sockaddr *sa, int addr_len); |
607 | |||
608 | /** Callback for evdns_getaddrinfo. */
609 | typedef void (*evdns_getaddrinfo_cb)(int result, struct evutil_addrinfo *res, void *arg); |
610 | |||
611 | struct evdns_base;
612 | struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request;
613 | /** Make a non-blocking getaddrinfo request using the dns_base in 'dns_base'.
614 | *
615 | * If we can answer the request immediately (with an error or not!), then we
616 | * invoke cb immediately and return NULL. Otherwise we return
617 | * an evdns_getaddrinfo_request and invoke cb later.
618 | *
619 | * When the callback is invoked, we pass as its first argument the error code
620 | * that getaddrinfo would return (or 0 for no error). As its second argument,
621 | * we pass the evutil_addrinfo structures we found (or NULL on error). We
622 | * pass 'arg' as the third argument.
623 | *
624 | * Limitations:
625 | *
626 | * - The AI_V4MAPPED and AI_ALL flags are not currently implemented.
627 | * - For ai_socktype, we only handle SOCKTYPE_STREAM, SOCKTYPE_UDP, and 0.
628 | * - For ai_protocol, we only handle IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP, and 0.
629 | */
630 | struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request *evdns_getaddrinfo(
631 | struct evdns_base *dns_base,
632 | const char *nodename, const char *servname, |
633 | const struct evutil_addrinfo *hints_in, |
634 | evdns_getaddrinfo_cb cb, void *arg);
635 | |||
636 | /* Cancel an in-progress evdns_getaddrinfo. This MUST NOT be called after the
637 | * getaddrinfo's callback has been invoked. The resolves will be canceled,
638 | * and the callback will be invoked with the error EVUTIL_EAI_CANCEL. */
639 | void evdns_getaddrinfo_cancel(struct evdns_getaddrinfo_request *req); |
640 | |||
641 | #ifdef __cplusplus
642 | } |
643 | #endif
644 | |||
645 | #endif /* !_EVENT2_DNS_H_ */ |