Task #16783
Lab session #1 - Testing the VitalJacket
Proposed day
- 23/11/2022 (Wednesday) from 13h to 15h
- Vital Jacket kit
- Set up the VitalJacket and place the electrodes 15 min
- Testing the communication between the VitalJacket and AndroidStudio 45 min
- Testing the live acquisition and the displaying of data in Android Studio: 60 min
#1 Updated by Joao Paulo S. Cunha over 2 years ago
Approved. 23NOV, 11am.
#2 Updated by Joao Paulo S. Cunha over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Here you write 13h-15h but in the excel you put 11h-13h. I am assuming 13h-15h.
#3 Updated by Miguel Rocha over 2 years ago
Joao Paulo S. Cunha wrote:
Here you write 13h-15h but in the excel you put 11h-13h. I am assuming 13h-15h.
Hello Professor, I got confused because the email states that the dates in the excel should be the alternative schedule. But yes, we would prefer from 13h to 15h if possible.
Thank you.
#4 Updated by Joao Paulo S. Cunha over 2 years ago
Just got delayed. Will only arrive by 13h30/13h45 today (wed 23). See later.
#5 Updated by Joao Paulo S. Cunha over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed